Processing recorded videos using Braid


The braid-process-video program will takes video files and process them to produce various outputs.


As shown in the figure, this program takes .mp4 (or .fmf) video input files saved by Braid and a configuration file and then creates an output .mp4 video which stitches the input videos together. Optionally, it can also plot 2D detections from a .braidz file on top of the raw video.


  • The input videos must be saved by Braid to ensure that the timestamps for each frame in the file are correctly stored.

Example usage 1: Automatic determination of inputs

If a directory contains a single .braidz file and one or more video files, braid-process-video can automatically generate a video with default options. In this case run it like so:

braid-process-video auto-config --input-dir /path/to/video-and-braidz-files

Example usage 2: Use of a .toml configuration file

Here is an example configuration file braid-bundle-videos.toml:

# The .braidz file with 2D detection data (optional).
input_braidz = "20211011_163203.braidz"

# This stanza specified that an output video will be made.
type = 'video'
filename = 'composite.mp4'

# The following sections specify video sources to use as input.
filename = 'movie20211011_163224.mp4'

filename = 'movie20211011_163228.mp4'

With such a configuration file, run the program like so:

braid-process-video config-toml --config-toml braid-bundle-videos.toml


There are many more options which can be configured in the .toml configuration file and they should be documented.